Viccari Wheele Group
Viccari Wheele Ltd
Viccari Wheele always have a keen eye on the quality of design with a particular emphasis on the image.
Limited Company No. 3592560
ClaimWatch Ltd
ClaimWatch enhances the driver’s online experience, helps cut down repair update calls and at the same time up-sells services to the driver. It is best described as a front of house customer system, rather than a back of house bodyshop management system.
Company No. 4584155
Refernet Ltd
Refernet was conceived as a community based service to allow agencies to refer customers across a local network. The primary requirement was to enable numerous agencies, who all work in different ways and may have their own systems and methods of working, to adopt just one method to refer between each other.
This is historically done using email and phone, as the common communication platforms when disparate organisations communicate. Refernet’s remit is to manage the referral itself, online. A narrow service, easy to use and highly secure, with secure document transfer, which is most likely to be attractive to all parties.
Our primary customer base is Citizens Advice Bureaux in the UK. We are expanding into other applications, such as Doctors surgeries, universities etc, and hope to begin attracting business from international – initially english speaking – countries.
Company No. 06499043 (Currently trading under Viccari Wheele Ltd)
Screen Team
Screen Team is a new service in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The world has changed. The work place has changed, and we’re now all meeting much more online. Whether it’s Zoom, Skype, Google Hangout or any others, our clients are now often seeing us at home.
Presentation, becomes very important particularly for the organisation you are representing.
We understand brand, design and imagery. It’s what we do. Let us provide you with the tools to present yourself properly, when you attend virtual meetings with colleagues and clients.
There’s more to this than meets the eye, but once you have the right components for your circumstances, you will show the world what you want them to see.
It all comes down to getting the camera on your device at the right height, making sure what’s behind you represents what you do, and lighting yourself well. Finally, framing your head and shoulders properly, by looking at your image and adjusting the camera.
Gateway One
Shout Aloud design services
Rob runs his own nursery and has many years experience both in publishing for the sector and in design and branding.
Co-owned by Rob Wheele (brother of Steve Wheele)
It has a booking system and allows customers to book a slot at the garage. Clictoc has a customer page where up to three cars can be stored with all the essential dates; MOT, serving, Road tax etc. Text messages are sent out to remind customers of activity required. Group or individual Garages can promote and market their services to the driver customer.
Currently Clictoc is ‘dormant’, but relatively easy to revive and roll out to a network of garages or to promote as a stand alone system.
Our other service websites
Viccari Wheele Photography
Screen Team
in England and Wales
38 Holland Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 1JL
Terms & Conditions PDF
01273 244088