SJ Curtis is probably the leading vehicle repair centre in the Bristol area. Steve Curtis is an influential businessman in the sector and We have been fortunate to work with him for many years.
Over the years Viccari Wheele have been commissioned to design and produce brochures and leaflets for SJ Curtis, and more recently, websites. As with almost all our sties, the most recent version is built on the WordPress platform for client flexibility and control. We are always available to revise and help with the ongoing process of keeping the site current and appealing to their insurer and retail customers.
The brand was revised a couple of years ago and Viccari Wheele oversee the gradual process of evolving the various visual assets to reflect this. There have been numerous leaflets and mirror hanger products, loyalty cars and stationery. We developed the signage to go on their attractive main building and other signs.

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Viccari Wheele Photography
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in England and Wales
38 Holland Road, Hove, East Sussex BN3 1JL
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01273 244088